Monday, September 19, 2022

LabSim 1.2.11 Cloud Computing

Professor Wu presented a lecture on Hardware, Troubleshooting, and EU Cyber Security on September 17, 2022. This lecture reminded me of how different things used to be and how far our society has progressed. We discussed the IPOS life cycle (input, process, output, storage). Storage has significantly changed throughout the years. Floppy disks and CD/DVDs were two items that I recall using. We now use more cloud computing, which is like using someone else's hardware over the internet to perform computing tasks. The common uses are file storage, website hosting, web applications and gaming services.

The following are cloud computing's benefits and drawbacks:

  • Provides trustworthy backup options, so you won't lose your data if a storage device malfunctions.
  • All you need is the appropriate program and an internet connection to view it.
  • Data breaches and hackers can access cloud-based storage.
  • A big problem is when the internet connection goes down.

Overall, cloud computing has advantages and disadvantages, just like everything else.


  1. Yes, storage has come a long way!

    I remember and have used those four storage devices: 5.25" floppy disk, 3.5 floppy disk, VHS tape, and cassette tape :-)

    I will not forget you, along with CD/DVDs and flash drives...

    Thank you for listing the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing and storage ^_^

  2. Oh yes, I remember all those storage options. I remember sticking a pencil in the little holes of the cassette tape to rewind the tape back into the cassette when it came undone. I remember burning songs onto CDs to make our own "mix tape" at the time. Fun times.

  3. I remember putting tape on the corners of the cassette tape so we could make our own mix tape. man how things has change. Talking about turning back time. I wonder what is 10yrs from now gonna be like.

  4. Oh wow! Nostalgia. I used all of them as well. I also remember the VHS beta which was a bigger version of the VHS. The beta VHS did not last long, if I remember correctly, it was prone to being caught in the player and then you'd have tape everywhere. That was not fun. Cassette tapes were the best thing for mixes when I was in middle and high school. Those were the days when people remembered every single person's phone numbers by hard. Now, I remember every single password for every single account I have. Good memories!

  5. I'm ecstatic to be born into an era where cloud computing exists because it shows how technology has improved over the years. To be honest, I was so lost during last week's presentation because I had no idea what a floppy disk was! I even had to pull up a new tab and search for an image. I wish I was born in the late 80s or early 90s sometimes. I don't really have any familiarity with CDs and DVDs besides the fact that I had to blow the dust away because they never played properly.

  6. I use cloud for my work to store pictures and files. The part I don't like is when they tell me I am running out of storage and may need to pay to increase my storage. I know most everyone knows cd's, dvd's, vhs and beta do you remember Laserdisc? or how about 8mm or super 8 some I still have. Great information.

  7. It's funny that when I was going through this chapter of LabSim I thought the same. I don't think I ever worked with floppy disks and find myself wanting to use one just for fun. I am sure they are obsolete already.

  8. In this development of The Times, computer hardware and software upgrade speed has been changing a lot. I really enjoy the convenience these bring us. Of course, we also need to spend time researching and learning new domain knowledge.

  9. I agree storage has indeed evolved in a giant way and in a fast way too. Eventually in the distant future or earlier we will have the cloud in our minds with Elon Musk's Neuralink BMI (Brain Machine Interfaces).

  10. Cloud computing is amazing but the risk of the internet going down and me not being able to access my files is a major problem. Storage prices have drastically dropped in the past 2 decades so a medium sized hard disk drive from 4TB-12TB is somewhat affordable.

  11. I agree that storage has evolved quickly and has many advantages and disadvantages.

  12. I used to use VHS tape and cassette tape too. Storage has significantly changed throughout the years. The cloud, like any other IT tool, can have technical problems such as ransom hacking, data seizing, and other issues. Excellent post!!

  13. This topic made me want to look into becoming a cloud software engineer. It sparked an interest in me.

  14. I have heard of those items and my family has used them before. I was born in the early 2000's so unfortunately, I cannot relate to you guys! I remember burning CDs, using tapes, and DVDS!

  15. It's definitely interesting to think of what the same technology will look like in the future? Will what we use now also become obsolete? Who knows.

  16. I also recall using CDs and DVDs when I was younger, but as you pointed out, the internet has greatly facilitated our ability to store digital data.

  17. Cloud computing seems like heaven, until the WiFi goes out.

  18. I remember when I was a kid I would buy DVD games to play on my computer/laptop. Nowadays, we rarely use DVDs.

  19. Oh wow, the memories. The days of VHS and cassettes seem to be a simpler time. Cloud computing is more convenient and efficient than previous storages methods and can provide a cleaner long-term solution to having to keep lots of files (old, outdated storage means) on hand.
