Monday, November 28, 2022

More Rest

I intended to get back to work as soon as I returned from my vacation, but my body decided it needed more rest. I started feeling sick as soon as I got home. My eyes keep closing, and I'm exhausted. I dislike being sick because it makes me feel like I'm wasting time doing nothing because it’s hard to stay focused. I'm going to go rest now and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. 

You need to listen to your body because your body is listening to you. - Phil McGraw 

Monday, November 21, 2022

Thanksgiving Break

So much has happened in the last few months, and I'm looking forward to finally relaxing. Normally, I spend Thanksgiving with my entire family, but my wife and I decided to do something different this year. We decided to spend Thanksgiving out of town, just me, my wife, and my daughter. I'm hoping everything goes well because if it does, this will be something we do every year. Thanksgiving is really the only time when I don't have to think about anything other than eating too much. Taking a break is extremely beneficial to me because it allows me to return stronger and focus on what I need to focus on.

Monday, November 14, 2022


The picture above is the home my parents left behind when we decided to come to United States. They brought me and my brother to the United States when I was 2 years old. Years later, in 2016, I returned to find our old clothes and furniture still inside, covered in spiderwebs. Our town still doesn’t have any running water, water is collected in barrels when it rains or when the city distributes it. The more I saw how people lived in my hometown, the more grateful I became for everything I have. I'm grateful for the life I have and the sacrifices my parents made to bring me to America. Looking at old photos of my hometown inspires me to keep moving forward and to never lose sight of where I came from. Never lose sight of your goals, accomplishments, and everything you have gone through. 

Not too many people could walk a mile in your shoes. Only you know your struggles, challenges and obstacles; so be proud of how far you have come. - Edmond Mbiaka 

Monday, November 7, 2022

Next Step

One of my goals is to transfer to UNLV next semester so I started to plan ahead. The first thing I did was schedule a quick meeting with a CSN academic advisor to establish my academic objectives. The academic advisor designed a schedule so that I can complete my degree in the timeframe that I wanted. I scheduled another meeting with my advisor soon after I completed my summer semester. My CSN advisor informed me that I was on track to graduate which I was happy to hear, but that wasn’t true. I scheduled a meeting with a UNLV/CSN transfer program advisor, the advisor explained to me the transfer process and reviewed my classes. That’s when I was told that I needed to repeat a class even though I was under the assumption that I was on track to graduate and transfer.

I was slightly irritated because the fall semester was about to begin so I had to start looking for any open classes, which I was happy to find one and I enrolled immediately. I notified my UNLV/CSN advisor that I enrolled in the class that I needed to retake, and she was surprised that I was able to find an open class. The advisor later sent me a checklist that I must follow to transfer to UNLV. The checklist included how to apply as a transfer student, sending official transcripts, submitting immunization records, accepting admission, completing FAFSA, and activating the UNLV student email. I followed those steps and got accepted to UNLV as a pre-business student. I just need to apply for my major and send my transcripts as soon as this semester is over.

After being admitted to UNLV, there are a few more steps to take. You need to participate in a 3-hour mandatory advising session before you can enroll for classes. Attending orientation and taking the online pre-orientation course are both highly recommended. Although my journey has just begun, I plan to work hard and reach one of my lifelong goals of obtaining my bachelor’s degree.

“If you really want to do something you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." – Jim Rohn