Monday, November 7, 2022

Next Step

One of my goals is to transfer to UNLV next semester so I started to plan ahead. The first thing I did was schedule a quick meeting with a CSN academic advisor to establish my academic objectives. The academic advisor designed a schedule so that I can complete my degree in the timeframe that I wanted. I scheduled another meeting with my advisor soon after I completed my summer semester. My CSN advisor informed me that I was on track to graduate which I was happy to hear, but that wasn’t true. I scheduled a meeting with a UNLV/CSN transfer program advisor, the advisor explained to me the transfer process and reviewed my classes. That’s when I was told that I needed to repeat a class even though I was under the assumption that I was on track to graduate and transfer.

I was slightly irritated because the fall semester was about to begin so I had to start looking for any open classes, which I was happy to find one and I enrolled immediately. I notified my UNLV/CSN advisor that I enrolled in the class that I needed to retake, and she was surprised that I was able to find an open class. The advisor later sent me a checklist that I must follow to transfer to UNLV. The checklist included how to apply as a transfer student, sending official transcripts, submitting immunization records, accepting admission, completing FAFSA, and activating the UNLV student email. I followed those steps and got accepted to UNLV as a pre-business student. I just need to apply for my major and send my transcripts as soon as this semester is over.

After being admitted to UNLV, there are a few more steps to take. You need to participate in a 3-hour mandatory advising session before you can enroll for classes. Attending orientation and taking the online pre-orientation course are both highly recommended. Although my journey has just begun, I plan to work hard and reach one of my lifelong goals of obtaining my bachelor’s degree.

“If you really want to do something you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse." – Jim Rohn


  1. Thank you for sharing your experience, Saul :-)

    I hope this helps your classmates and anyone who will transfer to UNLV!

    Glad to hear you were able to enroll in the class you needed ^_^

  2. I don't know what to say, but I'm really proud of you! You are setting a good example for your children!

  3. Congratulations on getting accepted into UNLV. Your journey seems long, but you will accomplish your goals

  4. Congratulations! I'm planning to transfer after the Spring 2023 semester. Although my advisor told me I could easily transfer to UNLV with the amount of eligible transfer credits I have, I reconsidered because I heard some mixed feedback about UNLV's math department, so I wanted to be sure to finish my math here :P

  5. I applied to transfer through the CSN/UNLV transfer program on November 5th. I initially applied in late 2021 but I did not get in because my high school GPA was very low. So this entire year I took on a full time schedule and by the end of this semester I will be at 36 credits after this Fall 2022 semester is over starting from 0 in January 2022.

  6. I had no idea it was this much work to transfer over to UNLV. You did it though! You should be proud.

  7. Congratulations. You went through a lot to achieve your journey. You should be extremely proud.

  8. The journey has just begun.

    Congrats on getting admitted. Though there is a lot of steps to complete, it is all worth it in the end. Keep your head high and reach for the stars.

  9. Congrats on transferring to UNLV. Although you journey has just begun, I believe you can make it to the end.

  10. So happy for you Saul! You will definitely accomplish every goal you set for yourself. Congrats!

  11. Congratulations Saul, I wish you the best. I too look forward to when I can move on to my bachelors.

  12. Congratulations Saul as one of my Blog title was Hard Work Pays Off. Keep going, keep doing what you are doing. Best wishes to you and your new journey.

  13. You offered some incredibly useful information, as I'm also hoping to transfer to UNLV. I'm happy you were able to find an available class, as you are now back on track. Congratulations and best of luck to you at UNLV.
