Monday, October 31, 2022

The last day of October

Thanksgiving and Christmas are almost approaching. These two holidays are among my favorites. These holidays are my favorite because I get to spend so much time with my family eating and having fun. During these holidays, we follow a lot of traditions.

It's been a busy week; I wish I could have written more. Tomorrow will be a new start.

“Remember how far you’ve come, not how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.” ~Rick Warren


  1. Excellent quote. Sometimes we need to recognize our accomplishments thus far so it fuels the journey to the next accomplishment :-)

    You have accomplished much in IS101-3012, Fall 2022 thus far, Saul ^_^

    May you accomplish much more!

  2. That last sentence resonated with me! Saul, I really want to shout it out to your wife and kids "How wonderful you are!"

  3. You have survived 100 percent of your days up until now, and not yet at your destination. Navigating life is not an easy thing to do. I only say this because the quote resonated with me in a different way.

  4. I've been focusing on calorie deficit but with the holidays coming up, I'm bound to have multiple cheat days with all the leftovers.

  5. Everyone has been posting about the holidays. I am so not ready for that.

  6. I'm one of those people that will start playing Christmas music right after Halloween. Hahahaha

  7. The holiday season is a special time of the year for most and it allows us to reflect on past, present and future goals and ideas.

  8. The first thing I noticed November 1st at 1am was every Halloween decoration was already taken down and Mariah Carey is already playing in the background.

  9. Holidays are always a great time with family.

  10. I was never a fan of the reasoning behind thanksgiving however as a state employee I have grown to love the holiday as it grants me 11 days of paid leave for only 24 hours. This year I have opted to only use 8 hours and have a 5 day weekend.

  11. I worked in Retail management most of my adult life, The holidays became another sale for me. It is the most wonderful time of the year.

  12. As we get older the holidays seems to be what we look forward to now. Spending time with family members we usually don't get to see a lot. I love this part of the year.

  13. The holiday season is coming up so quickly; I can't believe December is almost here.

  14. It always seems like once October comes the remainder of the year pretty much flies by. I also enjoy the holidays!
