Monday, October 24, 2022


 It's been one week since I began a new routine of getting up at 4:00 a.m. and working out. It's been difficult getting up earlier than usual, but I'm beginning to enjoy it. I've learned over the years that if you want to accomplish something, you must make significant sacrifices. One of the sacrifices I had to make in order to continue my education was to spend less time with my family. It was difficult at first because I had to prioritize my schoolwork over attending birthday parties or other social gatherings. I'm grateful that my wife is understanding and does not make me feel guilty for not spending as much time with her or my daughter. Limiting the amount of time I spend watching television and on social media has also been beneficial for me.


  1. Glad to hear your new routine is working out :-)

    Your choice to continue your higher education to better provide for your family will bear fruit in the long run.

    It's wonderful that your wife understands and support your sacrifices ^_^

  2. I give you so much credit for wanting to wake up before the birds to get some exercise in. I've been meaning to incorporate exercise into my daily routine, but honestly I don't want to make the time. But now that I see that you do it, I'll need to get some tips and words of motivation.

  3. Saul, you're doing great! Please give us ordinary people a chance. Ha ha ha! Anyway, I really appreciate your self-discipline. Please take me with you when you work out! I want to go with you!

  4. Going to school changes everyone's schedule and free time playing games is one of the sacrifices I have made. I have spent at most 5 hours playing Final Fantasy XIV this entire semester when I used to play it upwards of 10 hours a day last year.

  5. Good to hear that your new routine is going well. It's great that you are willing to make sacrifices in order to achieve your goals.

  6. I know the feeling I've sacrificed my video game library and come to terms that I would probably only be playing 1 - 2 games a year.

  7. It definitely feels like a brand-new world when you step out of your comfort zone and make changes to improve your quality of life.

  8. Making sacrifices of any sort is difficult. I am glad you are having a better time than I am doing so.

  9. This word comes in different form with different results. For me, sacrifice without a desired outcome is equal to a loss. An individual can only take so many losses before concluding that making sacrifices without a desired outcome is a complete waste of time. Every has their own view of sacrifice and all to each their own.

  10. One of the greatest quotes I learned a while ago,
    "Follow your passion, be prepared to work hard and sacrifice, and, above all, don't let anyone limit your dreams."
    -Donovan Bailey-
    This quote has helped me push through all my roughest times when I feel doubt in myself.

  11. We all have to make sacrifices but the reward in the end is awesome. Keep it up

  12. The sacrifice will pay off in the end for you and your family. Great job.

  13. Well, I hope all goes well for you and your family. Congrats to you for having motivation!

  14. The sacrifices made at the end are worthwhile. It all depends on how you choose to handle it.

  15. It can really be hard choosing between things that are important to us, I'm sure it'll payoff for you!
