Monday, October 17, 2022

The start of a new habit

I was up earlier than normal today. Instead of waking up at my usual 5:00 am time, I woke up at 4:00 am. I made this a part of my morning routine because I had made the decision to start working out and it was the only time I had. I needed to set aside extra time for myself because I've been feeling a little overwhelmed. Each day, we are given 24 hours, and we choose how to spend them. I think that in order to accomplish our goals, we must manage our time well and make sacrifices.


  1. Very well said about needing to set aside extra time aside for oneself!

    I definitely agree with your final sentence ^_^

  2. 4am?!? Saul, I give you a lot of credit for being able to wake up that early. You wake up even before the birds! But I also agree with your statement "we must manage our time well and make sacrifices". I commend you for sacrificing sleep to work out. I admire your motivation and dedication.

  3. You got this, Saul!! I know it isn't easy to wake up so early.

  4. The other night, I was actually thinking to myself - it's a crime we're only given 24 hours in a day because I can't imagine waking up so early. I've also heard morning workouts are more helpful since it's already done and out of the way and you have the rest of the day to do what you need to do.

  5. Time management is an art. If you manage your time well, you may get what you want.

  6. It's always important to make time to take care of yourself. Your doing better than me, I'm still trying to find that extra hour to fit in for working out again. Good job.

  7. Time management is definitely key in accomplishing anything.

  8. I've made it a new habit to catch up on my sleep on work days by waking up 30 minutes before work starts. I do wish we had more hours in a day

  9. Good for you Saul. I want to go back to the gym but like Kevin said "I wish there was more hours in the day". I am just swamp with work and school.

  10. Saul, You are the man. I might wake up? not to exercise. Maybe to go back to sleep and wait till 6:30-7am. Managing our time is a must.

  11. Congrats! Join the team, I have started a new routine as well, during the same time frame. I am now waking up at 3:30am to go to the gym and get my day started. I totally understand the sacrifice and struggle it takes when trying to make a new routine. I have never been accustomed in the past to condition myself for this type of routine, but so far it has me feeling better every day now. Keep it up!!

  12. Nothing is better than waking up early in the morning and getting a good gym pump to start your day!

  13. Well put! Everyday is a challenge, and you get to choose how you want to handle it.

  14. I hope you can make your new routine stick! The benefits will surely add up if you do.

  15. I have also began to work out. I need to get myself healthy again. I am glad you started a good healthy habit.
