Monday, October 10, 2022

5.7.10 Advanced Function Tips

Excel has been a difficult section for me to learn, especially when it came to learning about the advanced functions. It took me some time to complete section 5.7 (using advanced functions). What really helped me were the advanced functions tips. I believe reading these tips before doing the labs for this section will be helpful. The two tips that helped me were:


-Use the Functions Arguments dialog box if you are not sure about the functions. Once you gain more experience you'll be able to enter the functions directly into the cell.

-You can search online to see how to use a particular function.

Logical Functions

-Ask yourself what you want the function to accomplish.

-Restate the problem in the same order as the function you want to use.

-Put anything you want to display as text in quotation marks.


  1. Well done on completing section 5.7!

    Relative vs. absolute cell reference, IF functions, and appending IF to another functions are challenging concepts to master :-)

    Thank you for sharing the two tips to help your classmates ^_^

  2. Advanced functions is going to stump me too, but I am looking forward to the challenge. Your post has given me an insight as to what to look forward to,

  3. Those advanced functions truly gave me a challenge the IF one alone was like learning a new language.

  4. Thanks for the tip I am almost there.

  5. Thank you for the information. I will follow your suggestions on that section.

  6. Functions are extremely helpful. There are even shortcuts to simple functions like Sum = alt + "+".

  7. Saul, I hope you're well! I was inspired by your blog! I also felt the difficulties and pressures in the chapter you mentioned.

  8. I am glad I read this before starting my Excel journey, thank you for the tips.

  9. THANK YOU FOR POSTING! ^_^ Im trying to learn this currently.

  10. Thanks for the tips. Will keep in mind when I get there.

  11. I am thinking I am also going going to have a tough time with this. I appreciate the tips, Saul.

  12. Oh wow... I just posted a comment on another blog saying how I truly want to learn Excel and then I read your blog post about your experience! I'm scared now. I've been slacking on LabSim a bit and I've been trying to find the time to catch up.

  13. Uh oh, I am now scared to start it now. But I will keep your tips in mind, thank you!

  14. Thank you for sharing this, I needed this to help with functions.

  15. Great tips. Excel is definitely challenging.

  16. I haven't completed the LabSim to this point, but I'll keep this post in mind and appreciate you bringing it up.

  17. Excel is definitely making me slow down and remember what they showed me.
