Monday, September 5, 2022


My last semester of college, hopefully all goes well. It took me a while to reach this point, but I’m finally here. I started school a few years ago, taking one to two courses per semester and I stopped when my daughter was born. I started again in 2020 and decided to go full-time. What really helped me reach my goal was that all my classes were online. Online classes gave me the freedom to work at my own pace and work ahead. This semester I decided to register for an in-person class and it’s going great. The first week of this semester just passed and I’m looking forward to the weeks ahead.


  1. Glad you chose to take IS101 in-person and my Saturday section of IS101 :-)

    May you graduate with a bang in your final semester!

  2. You are almost there! That is an amazing accomplishment in itself on top of having a brand new baby! Congratulations by the way. I am right behind you with one more year of college to go!

  3. Yay Saul!! So happy for you! Congrats on your baby girl and this being your last semester here! Just a few more weeks to go, you can do it!!

  4. Glad to hear you are graduating. Congratulations on the baby. Look forward to hearing more.

  5. Congratulations on the baby. 14 more weeks, the end is near.

  6. Congratulations on reaching your goals up to this point. Aww, a baby girl. It's amazing how resilient people become when they become parents. I can't imagine how excited you are to be so close to finishing. The feeling you'll get once you get your degree must be so overwhelming and full of pride.

  7. Congratulations on the baby!! Also congrats on almost graduating. You have this semester in the bag you go this!!

  8. I admire your perseverance and determination! You can do it! Let's make the final push together!

  9. It's great to see how online classes have had a great impact since starting school again. I pray your family is well and healthy! Congratulations :)

  10. Congratulations! I hope you and your family continue to grow and blossom and remain healthy! I hope you are able to achieve the lifestyle you have always wanted with your family. Best of luck to you!

  11. Getting back to school is a tough thing to do, I'm in that same boat as you, we got this!

  12. Knowing that you really enjoyed the benefit of attending classes online is surprising because, to most of us, that was hard challenge.

  13. Good luck on your last semester, it'll all be worth it!

  14. Good luck finishing your last semester.

  15. It's never too late to start over. Now you are close to graduating. I think that online classes help a lot to be able to do it in our time but I think that your greatest motivation was also your daughter.

  16. This blog is absolutely inspiring. I am a single father of three, and it is beyond difficult to create a schedule that works for all of us. This blog is amazing. I'm so proud of you. Please keep it up.

  17. Congratulations on your daughter and good luck with your last semester.

  18. Congratulations on multiple fronts. First, I want to say daughters are amazing mine is about to be 15 years old and even though at times she seems to get more complicated I still see that sweet beautiful little girl. I can't wait to get to my last semester, I am just starting on my second degree and this time it's a bit more of a struggle, but I am trying to keep my eyes on graduation day. I am doing a mix of online and in-person classes, and I find the in-person classes to much more enjoyable and easier for me to handle.
