Monday, September 26, 2022

2.7.10 Computer Science Career Facts

Computer Science is a career that is very popular right now. Computers have become more a part of our everyday life. One of the most popular career choices for computer science graduates is Application Developers but also includes web developers, QA engineers, and database programmers. 

Application Developer – Create applications for computers and mobile devices. Most of the time they work in teams and create all kinds of software. 

Web Developer – Create websites and other technologies that are delivered through the internet. There are three main types of web developers.

Front-end developers use HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to create websites.

Back-end developers do the behind-the-scenes coding that you don't see directly.

Full-Stack developers do both front-end and back-end work.

QA Engineer – Specialists that monitor software development to ensure the finished product meets the standards of the company.

Database Programmer – Specialize in a specific discipline within programming. Databases store vital information that must be accessible and secure. Database programmers are vital for most large companies.

Having a background in computer science can open doors to other careers such as data science, product management and system administration.

Monday, September 19, 2022

LabSim 1.2.11 Cloud Computing

Professor Wu presented a lecture on Hardware, Troubleshooting, and EU Cyber Security on September 17, 2022. This lecture reminded me of how different things used to be and how far our society has progressed. We discussed the IPOS life cycle (input, process, output, storage). Storage has significantly changed throughout the years. Floppy disks and CD/DVDs were two items that I recall using. We now use more cloud computing, which is like using someone else's hardware over the internet to perform computing tasks. The common uses are file storage, website hosting, web applications and gaming services.

The following are cloud computing's benefits and drawbacks:

  • Provides trustworthy backup options, so you won't lose your data if a storage device malfunctions.
  • All you need is the appropriate program and an internet connection to view it.
  • Data breaches and hackers can access cloud-based storage.
  • A big problem is when the internet connection goes down.

Overall, cloud computing has advantages and disadvantages, just like everything else.

Monday, September 12, 2022


I got up early this morning at 5:00 A.M. and started my morning routine. Before leaving for work, I try to accomplish as much as I can. I started making my breakfast and lunch. I finished setting everything up and headed outside with my hot tea. I set aside at least 20 to 30 minutes each day for meditation. This has been a huge benefit. Focusing was challenging at first, but I soon discovered how to relax. After finishing my meditation, I quickly showered, got dressed, and left for work. I returned home from work and started working on my schoolwork right away. Even though I encountered numerous challenges throughout the day, I tried to concentrate more on the good. We have the power to shape our lives daily in order to achieve our goals. Every day marks a fresh start.

Monday, September 5, 2022


My last semester of college, hopefully all goes well. It took me a while to reach this point, but I’m finally here. I started school a few years ago, taking one to two courses per semester and I stopped when my daughter was born. I started again in 2020 and decided to go full-time. What really helped me reach my goal was that all my classes were online. Online classes gave me the freedom to work at my own pace and work ahead. This semester I decided to register for an in-person class and it’s going great. The first week of this semester just passed and I’m looking forward to the weeks ahead.

Thursday, September 1, 2022

First Week of IS101

The beginning of this semester has been surprisingly different.

I received my first email from my IS101 professor Saturday night. At first, I thought he was just sending me the syllabus like most professors do. To my surprise it wasn’t just the syllabus, it was also a quiz, and the first two assignments. Along with that came a request to have a meeting. I responded to meet with him the following day early morning. Morning came, and so did the scheduled meeting with my professor. As we started talking the professor made me feel like he genuinely wants his students to succeed. He asked me questions to get to know me, which no other professor has ever done. This reassured me that I chose the right professor. The workload for this class looks very time consuming, but it’s doable. This semester will be the beginning of a new journey.