Monday, October 31, 2022

The last day of October

Thanksgiving and Christmas are almost approaching. These two holidays are among my favorites. These holidays are my favorite because I get to spend so much time with my family eating and having fun. During these holidays, we follow a lot of traditions.

It's been a busy week; I wish I could have written more. Tomorrow will be a new start.

“Remember how far you’ve come, not how far you have to go. You are not where you want to be, but neither are you where you used to be.” ~Rick Warren

Monday, October 24, 2022


 It's been one week since I began a new routine of getting up at 4:00 a.m. and working out. It's been difficult getting up earlier than usual, but I'm beginning to enjoy it. I've learned over the years that if you want to accomplish something, you must make significant sacrifices. One of the sacrifices I had to make in order to continue my education was to spend less time with my family. It was difficult at first because I had to prioritize my schoolwork over attending birthday parties or other social gatherings. I'm grateful that my wife is understanding and does not make me feel guilty for not spending as much time with her or my daughter. Limiting the amount of time I spend watching television and on social media has also been beneficial for me.

Monday, October 17, 2022

The start of a new habit

I was up earlier than normal today. Instead of waking up at my usual 5:00 am time, I woke up at 4:00 am. I made this a part of my morning routine because I had made the decision to start working out and it was the only time I had. I needed to set aside extra time for myself because I've been feeling a little overwhelmed. Each day, we are given 24 hours, and we choose how to spend them. I think that in order to accomplish our goals, we must manage our time well and make sacrifices.

Monday, October 10, 2022

5.7.10 Advanced Function Tips

Excel has been a difficult section for me to learn, especially when it came to learning about the advanced functions. It took me some time to complete section 5.7 (using advanced functions). What really helped me were the advanced functions tips. I believe reading these tips before doing the labs for this section will be helpful. The two tips that helped me were:


-Use the Functions Arguments dialog box if you are not sure about the functions. Once you gain more experience you'll be able to enter the functions directly into the cell.

-You can search online to see how to use a particular function.

Logical Functions

-Ask yourself what you want the function to accomplish.

-Restate the problem in the same order as the function you want to use.

-Put anything you want to display as text in quotation marks.

Monday, October 3, 2022

4.12.4 Collaboration Facts

The collaboration feature in Word lets users share a file with multiple users. The feature lets people comment on a document or spreadsheet. Users can comment on the shared file and all changes in the document can be tracked to increase accountability. Some collaboration tools include adding comments, deleting comments, comment navigation and the ability to collapse and expand the comments in a document. Another great advantage of this feature is that it allows you to track changes, and who made the changes. The collaboration feature is a great feature that can help everyone in school and in their place of work.